Well thankfully the snow has finally disappeared and not before it’s time either I hear you say. That being so it has meant that we are a little late in getting started with some Garden chores which should be well under way at this stage. However no need to panic there is lots of time and we should spend it wisely.
Start by getting out there and making notes for what you would like to do this year in your garden. I love gardening and always have but truthfully I sometimes find that reading reams of literature about what we should all be doing can become mind blowing and quite honestly can result in putting one “off” actually doing anything.
Everybody has a different Garden. We all aspire to different things too. I suggest that you take a notepad on a fine (or wet) day, what better way to spend a wet day but browsing your garden making notes for things to do.
Decide what you want to change and make notes as you go.
Do you need to move shrubs or bulbs for better effect? Are areas looking bare and perhaps could do with a new plant, perhaps a few perennials could add color? Is your lawn looking well and did you feel that last year it wasn’t looking it’s best and needs attention this year? Do you need to pay attention to weeding areas in your garden?
I have, over the years, tried to do everything and as such be all things to all men. This is not possible unless you are Superman or Superwoman. We all lead busy lives and unless you are retired and can spend hours on end in your garden it’s not going to be possible to do everything. So the message I’m sending out here is ‘to cut your cloth to measure’ and don’t beat yourself up if your garden doesn’t look as beautiful as the ones you are looking at in magazines, most of our gardens will never look that beautiful. (At least all of the time)!!
Here are a few tips:
1. Shrubs are great as they need little care, particularly evergreen ones which generally grow slowly and remain green throughout the year. Deciduous shrubs generally need a little more care as they need to be tidied up at the end of the season but they can create color too during their season. Make sure to buy shrubs that are suitable to your size of garden or the area where you are planting them. Remember that shrubs grow and we have all made the mistake of planting shrubs in areas which are far too small and can often be difficult to move when they get too big.
2. Perhaps your garden could look well with the addition of bedding plants. These little guys can bring immediate color to areas that are looking bare but will need to be cleared away to the compost heap at the end of the summer season. They are invaluable for color during the summer season and can look really great when planted together in areas dotted around the garden. Try to match colors too for greater effect. Use pots too for effect around patio areas and at doorways and clump together in threes or fives. Odd numbers work best when placed together.
3. Take a good look at your lawn. There are lots of great products on the market and the one we have been really successful with over the years is Lawn Feed Weed and Mosskiller. Not only does it green your grass up it will kill the moss and weeds too. What more could you ask for.You can aspire to having a great lawn and eventually you will. A well fed and manicured lawn looks fab with some great color edging with bedding plants.
Make gardening fun though. If you try to do too much you may not enjoy it. However there is no better way to spend your spare time and the satisfaction when things start to grow will give you so much pleasure.
So get out there in the fresh air and make it happen!!!
Good luck...